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Hmm... Forthcoming Facebook Armageddon?

"From blood sucking Vampires to mischievous Gremlins. Trouble your friends and foes with the Haunted House, use the mythical creatures to haunt, petrify and so on.......

Use the creature of your choice to haunt your friends. Most are scary but there is a silver lining. You can create your own creatures. We'll move the best creatures into the main gallery so that everyone can use them.

Start haunting right now.

The top haunters will square off in a forthcoming Armageddon
Facebook is providing links to these applications as a courtesy, and makes no representations regarding the applications or any information related to them. Any questions regarding an application should be directed to the developer."

About this Application

(3.0 out of 5)
Based on 1 review
Users:708 daily active users
0% of totalCategoriesGaming, Just for Fun

And... just another brick in

Luciano Pimentel (luminous network) wrote
at 2:30pm
I'd blame it on Evil Ernie. He's my new all-purpose scapegoat, until someone quirkier comes along...!
Karen Hickey (Portland, OR) wrote
at 2:05am on February 10th, 2008
Why why why does the Valentine app pop up EVERY time I use this app? I'm about ready to uninstall!
Leonor Colbert (Oregon) wrote
at 5:18pm on December 21st, 2007
I liked this site better:

Have fun! V--V *bite*
Parinita Narain (India) wrote
at 12:08am on November 22nd, 2007

Did u try removing it and installing it again? Do let me know if it still does not work. Thanks
Shel Prescot (no network) wrote
at 12:26pm on November 2nd, 2007
Please could people add me as a friend. I would love to have friends from all over the world. I am not a crazy women I just love to chat. Pretty please!!!!! lol xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hmm... What will they think of NEXT?!?


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