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Hmm... Three Sides To Every Story, Eh?

Boston's erstwhile super band "Extreme" used to think so...
The makers of DORITOS sure believe so - and they illustrate it in their commercial with three alternate happenings to go with the reputed three sides of any single tortilla chip they make ("sweet", "hot" and/or "bold" respectively) showcasing how a couch potato lost in the woods could POSSIBLY bore a gruffy bear to tears...

But what of the copy-cat REBELLOS?
(Hmm... Copy-catting is not very PC, pourtant...!)

They do come in TWO flavours, I do believe: Zesty Cheeze and Creamy Ranch - should that influence our labeling here...?!?

If Doritos can be sweet, hot and bold - I'd say that Rebellos can be either knavish, coy or cranky! It's just my experience - what can I say, it's a free country and we can freely share our free experiences and deering-do, right Lucy Liu? ;)
Je me comprends...! ;)
I'd share more and double-dare anyone to sue but I'd be almost certain that there'd surely be someone inane enough out there who sure would oblige me there...! On a groundless basis, but still - and I won't give just ANYBODY that pleasure - to be frank! ;)

Hmm... And what do you want to bet that the two customers who said that they recommend this product (the zesty cheese one that is) while giving it 5 out of 5 stars (!) are really named... Rebelos! ;)

Hmm... By the way...
Everybody hates the Creamy Ranch one, pretty much!



I just noticed that the DORITOS are indeed MY BRAND - set to crush the derivative, all-around superfluous REBELLOS! It's not me who says it, really - it must be Frito Lay (or whomever makes the thing! Who makes Doritos anyway? A quick web search should unearth THAT information, I'm sure - do it yourselves!)


DORITOS has this French version of their commercial in which the ''hot-sweet-bold'' trifecta becomes the ''chaud-doux-intense'' triumverate of vanity!

(Not 100% of the literal translation ''hot-chaud'' - but the other two are right on just like that!)

But, more interestingly of all, for me, the flavour chosen to represent ALL DORITOS, past present and future (!) is...


Ok, I am not happy about the last part there - but it is only to underline that it is REALLY HOT, so, I guess it's not so 'baaad' - eh?


Zesty Cheese/Fromage Piquant Rebellos are supposed to be the answer to the Doritos' own Fiery Habanero/Piment Infernal super-flavour!

Nacho Cheese Rebellos are the most commonly available, as they challenge Doritos Original's supremacy...

The Cheetos Cheetah, flanked by Humpty-Dumpty and that Pringles Mustached Man would stand a better chance than the Rebellos do in their bid to usurp the Doritos' throne!



DORITOS has this French version of their commercial in which the ''hot-sweet-bold'' trifecta becomes the ''piquant-doux-intense'' triumverate of vanity - piquant and not merely "chaud" for the latter word usually delineates that someone is dead DRUNK rather than "hot" indeed; in the lousy parts where this French commercial airs, anyhow!

It is still a flagrant lack of imagination and/or vocabulary to merely go for "piquant" when the flavour is already branded as "fromage piquant" - it is quite redundant!

Zesty Cheese/Fromage Piquant has no chance of uprooting Fiery Habanero/Piment Infernal no matter what they call themselves...!

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