l.p. - luminous pondering - hmm...

Nothing ludicrous here... Only some luminous words... And ludacris music! *Lol* - among others! The languishing blog + the lambasting blog = luminous pondering! NOT the ludicrous blog, NO! It's as simple as that! All Right? Enjoy! ;-)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Hmm... Plays On Words... En Français! C'est Pas Peu Pire... Euh, Dire!

Hommes bis
Hommes bis

"Les Hommes Bis" is pronounced exactly as "Zombies", you see - because, in the nauseatingly overcomplicated for no good reason French language, when one pluralizes something, there has to be a "zzz" sound at the end of the word... And so, here, the mostly implied "les" (the) ends with such a sound. Then you have "hommes" (men) and thus, immediately, you get the "ZOM" sound required for the clever play on words here - turning a social "unphenomenon" into a horror flick parody!

This is, verily, my kind of brainy humor - well, as far as mass-media is concerned, anyhow! ;)

Our next example is almost as funny - and certainly just as clever due to the fact that I came up with it, on the spot...! ;)

Ajouter à la sélection
Sympatico / MSN
vues : 801

Comme on peut le voir sur le mini-écran ci-dessus, la place était NOIRE DE MONDE, eh? *LOL* Get it? Well, you have to be able to read French in order to get this one, yes...! À Bon Entendeur - salut! Ok, pas vraiment dans le cas présent...
(Basically, as you can see that the sample screen above is basically PITCH BLACK in a blotch kind of way, so then we can amply justify the use of the well-known expression "noir de monde" -which is said about any public place that gets so crowded, so jam-packed, that it is literally "darkened by people" to say it literally, word for word, as the French say it- et voilà!)

UPDATE: oopsy-do, the damn techies at sympatico were not sympatico with ME (they rarely are) and they made me look bad now - by correcting THEIR boo-boo and affixing an image to the above screenshot, which WAS nothing but a blank, dark square before that! Now, my joke seems to be racist - but it WASN'T! Oh well, I suspect that the screenshot will revert back to a blackout blank before too late; so, I'll leave the post on here - until further notice!)

A third one for the road, turd?
LMBO - sorry, that definitively anglo play on words slipped by, there! :!
Here is a classy one, EN FRANÇAIS ENCORE UNE FOIS, to make up for the slip-up;

"Le coup du Gaza peut nous faire faire une crise Cadillac - mais on perse-verra à vélo, en Bhutto, et en faisant les quatre cents pas, du coup que..."

Ahh - Sol would be proud!


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